Rumikay Talks

Lessons Learned From Sets

Konstantin Starodetskii Episode 64

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Film sets are super fun, but they’re also  a workplace with structure and rules. In order to have a pleasant shoot one must follow those rules and develop the special work ethic required within the film industry. Of course mistakes are often made, and nothing can ever be perfect! But we can use these mistakes to learn and improve upon.

In this episode, Konstantin Starodetskii and Rumena Dinevska discuss the mistakes they’ve come across while working on film sets, and the lessons they've learned. They share tips on how to avoid these mistakes, so that you can have a positive filming environment. 

Links to the Obsession of the Week:

Chicken Soup (Rumena’s Obsession)

Don't Make Me Pull Over! by Richard Ratay (Konstantin’s Obsession)

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